Resilience Training

resilience training

Psychological resilience is defined as an individual's ability to properly adapt to stress and adversity. Stress and adversity can come in the shape of family or relationship problems, health problems, or workplace and financial worries, among others.

The word resilient comes from Latin resili, or resilīre, meaning - to spring back, to rebound, to recover.

As the world of work and life seem to become faster and faster, plus expectations become higher and higher, maybe now is the time to step back and take a new approach to:

  • Mental resilience
  • Personal resilience
  • Business resilience
  • Cultural/social resilience and more...

Our resilience training has a core set of principles that can be applied in any setting so our trainings tend to be flexible to meet the needs of those attending. The trainings include

  • CBT/NLP to build strategies for change
  • Problem solving ‘from problems to solutions’
  • Emotional intelligence and the ‘emotional hostage’
  • Mindfulness and awareness
  • Relaxation and stress management
  • Ground Hog day thinking and more....
  • Grit - longterm success

Please contact us to discuss further and arrange sessions on-site for you and your team.

Event List

Tai chi for Patient Rehabilitation training in tai chi and qigong

This 2-day course covers both seated and standing qigong

Tai Chi Ruler qigong set



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